Our foundation has been funded by donations since the very beginning. Without our supporters, we would not be able to accomplish our mission:  making everyday life easier for children with muscle diseases and their families.

We are proud of them

Diamond Sponsorship Tier


  • PTC Therapeutics STRIVE Award
  • Magyar Nemzeti Bank
  • Nemzeti Család és Szociálpolitikai Intézet
  • PTC Continental Europe
  • K-X Consulting Kft.


Gold Sponsorship Tier


  • Slachta Margit Nemzeti Szociálpolitikai Intézet
  • Alapítvány a Közjóért Alapítvány
  • Szerencsejáték Service Nonprofit Kft.
  • Rhenus Office Systems Hungary Kft.
  • MEVA Zsalurendszerek Zrt.
  • LAVYLITES Worldwide Zrt.
  • Rehabportál
  • Babály László & ÉPSZER-PANNÓNIA INVEST Kft.


Silver Sponsorship Tier   

  • Celanese and The Blackbaud Giving Found

Bronze Sponsorship Tier


  • Nemzeti Család- és Szociálpolitikai Intézet   logóval
  • Szigetszentmiklósi Batthyány Kázmér Gimnázium
  • Európa Club Bécs


The board of trustees of Duchenne Hungary – Gyógyító Jószándék Foundation – on behalf of our entire community – wishes to express its gratitude for the following awards and grants. The Foundation completed the tasks and rehabilitation programs set out in the related sponsorship agreements and submitted the relevant professional and financial reports on time. Awards and grants:

  • FSzK  – Fogyatékos Személyek Esélyegyenlőségéért Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.
  • NCsSzI – Nemzeti Család és Szociálpolitikai Intézet
SorszámPályázat kódjaPályázat összege ftElszámolás dátumaPályázat elszámolt összege ft
FSzK 1.3051/4300,00010/26/2011300,000
NCsSzI 1.CsP-CsNy-11-408350,0006/8/2012350,000
FSzK 2.11222/0291,575,5004/15/20131,575,500
NCsSzI 2.CsP-Pk-12-7481300,0004/19/2013300,000
FSzK 3.11222/029350,0005/5/2013350,000
NCsSzI 3.IFJ-Gy-13-B-10751370,0003/19/2014370,000
FSzK 4.41321/204,195,4556/15/20144,195,455
NCsSzI 4.IFJ-Gy-14-B-14903315,0009/28/2014315,000
FSzK 5.FOF2014/144,000,0006/16/20154,000,000
Alapítvány a Közjóért2015.3,000,0003/12/20163,000,000
FSzK 6.FOF2015/223,200,0004/12/20163,200,000
NCsSzI 5.IFJ-Gy-15-21018750,0006/7/2016750,000
Alapítvány a Közjóért2016.2,000,00010/5/20162,000,000
FSzK 7.FOF2016/33,315,7867/8/20173,315,786
Alapítvány a Közjóért2017.2,500,0008/30/20172,500,000
Magyar Nemzeti Bank28990-2/20186,000,00012/20/20186,000,000
Szerencsejáték Service Nonprofit Kft.SzNp-1182/20191,000,0008/21/20191,000,000
Magyar Nemzeti Bank220826-1/20193,200,00012/15/20193,200,000
Szerencsejáték Service Nonprofit Kft.SzNp-480/20201,000,00011/7/20201,000,000
Szerencsejáték Service Nonprofit Kft.SzNp-447/20211,000,0008/23/20211,000,000
Magyar Nemzeti Bank188157-2/20215,021,0005/17/20225,021,000
Szerencsejáték Service Nonprofit Kft.SzNp-273/20221,000,0008/2/20221,000,000
Slachta Margit Nemzeti Szociálpolitikai IntézetFOF2021-C-12971,970,0009/18/20221,970,000
Slachta Margit Nemzeti Szociálpolitikai IntézetFOF2022-C-25892,000,0009/21/20232,000,000
Elnyert - 2024-ben felhasználandó pályázati összegek:
Slachta Margit Nemzeti Szociálpolitikai IntézetFOF2023-C-32612,000,0002,000,000
Roche Magyarország Kft.GSD0000595671,000,0007/18/20241,000,000
Szerencsejáték Service Nonprofit Kft.SzNp-524/20241,000,0007/23/20241,000,000
Alapítvány a Közjóért10/2024.600,000

Special thanks

We are grateful to Thermál Hotel Visegrád which has been demonstrating its social responsibility by supporting Duchenne Hungary – Gyógyító Jószándék Foundation for many years.


We were delighted when we eventually were able to hold our charity concert on 23 September as we had to reschedule it several times due to Covid. The event took place in a beautiful venue: The Golden Hall of the Hungarian Embassy in Vienna – in front of an enthusiastic audience. We are grateful to Ambassador Dr. Andor Nagy for the warm hospitality and encouraging words, Chief of Protocol Ildikó Bencze and the embassy staff for the professional on-site organization, Dorottya Kelemen for the professional and sensitive program management, and Barbara Koncsek for the photography and press work. We will never forget the hard work of the president of the Europa Club, Dr. András Smuk and the other members – Ágnes Sáskáné Nádas and László Sas – and many of their fellow volunteers who have spent many months on organizing the event. We are also grateful to art director Ágnes Katona for designing the music program – and for patiently re-designing it again and again. Thanks to Judit Flamich as well as Peter Pirker for offering a beautiful painting for auction. A huge thank you to the musicians for their wonderful performance and playing pro bono just for the joy of helping. We raised HUF 1,846,215 with the concert, which amount was used to make the daily lives of families with muscular disorders easier and to finance our 2022 summer camp.

2018 and 2020.

We are pleased and proud to announce that Duchenne Hungary – Gyógyító Jószándék Foundation was among the winners of the “PTCBio for a STRIVE for DMD Award” competition in 2018 and 2020!

We are proud that PTCBio recognizes and supports our efforts. The grant helps to improve the quality of life of the families concerned and helps us to continue our work in building a community, which we started more than twenty years ago. We use the funding to make the everyday life of families with DMD patients easier. We provide physical therapy and therapeutic massage treatments for those concerned, as well as psychological counselling. We hold rehabilitation meetings with families and continuously inform them about therapeutic options and clinical trials for new drugs. During the Covid pandemic, we paid special attention to make sure that families feel that they can still count on us. More information can be found HERE and on the Facebook page of Duchenne Hungary. Hundreds of photos illustrate the atmosphere of our events. The STRIVE Award 2020 press release can be read HERE